Infrared Hot Yoga

Wondering why it doesn’t feel so hot in the Destroyer? That is because we use infrared heat, which heats your body -not the the air. This means that you might not perceive it to be as hot (keep in mind it is about 6°C cooler than typical hot yoga studios), however you are still getting all the benefits!

Infrared heat offers a multitude of benefits that enhance the overall yoga experience.

Firstly, it promotes deep relaxation by gently warming the body from the inside out, easing tense muscles and reducing tension. This allows you to sink into you poses with greater ease, enhance flexibility, and release physical and mental blockages.

The heat also promotes detoxification as it intensifies our natural perspiration, aiding in the elimination of toxins, heavy metals, and impurities.

Another notable benefit is enhanced circulation. By penetrating deep into the tissues, infrared heat improves blood flow, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, while aiding in the removal of metabolic waste. This increased circulation also speeds up the body's natural healing process, promoting faster recovery from injuries and reducing inflammation.

Moreover, infrared heat can contribute to weight loss by boosting metabolism and assisting in burning calories. Overall, the incorporation of infrared heat in yoga practices improves flexibility, relaxation, detoxification, circulation, and even supports weight loss, resulting in a rejuvenating and transformative experience for practitioner

Please keep in mind that typical hot yoga is around 38°C, however we heat our studio to 32°C. Infrared works by heating your body directly, opposed to heating the air. This means that it might not feel as hot but you are most certainly getting the benefits!


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The Benefits of Hot Yoga