The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

The Benefits of Restorative Yoga

Here at The Kali Collective yoga studio, we offer a wide range of practices, including our Restorative classes.

Restorative Yoga is an opportunity to practice yoga in a different way, to find peace in passivity, and give your mind and body space to explore what comes up.

We offer the chance to explore this practice as part of a community, with no expectations or goals, all you need to do is show up and make space.

So, what are the benefits of Restorative Yoga?

This style of yoga is taught to increase parasympathetic tone, or move us into a state of more rest and healing. It is a passive practice that embodies the qualities of Yin yoga, encouraging introspection, passive presence, spaciousness and quiet. Because of its slow and supportive nature it is accessible for all bodies, giving every body the opportunity to truly relax and reset.

It’s still nature encourages us to simply ‘be’ instead of ‘do’. It gives you the opportunity to not only strengthen your relationship with your body, but to do so as part of a calm community. Our space, in the heart of Glasgow, is home to a team of experienced teachers who are here to lead you through this practice that will ultimately aid in the reduction of tension in your muscles and connective tissue.

Restorative Yoga also has a profound effect on our nervous systems. Our nervous system is a complex system that weaves our minds and bodies together. Restorative Yoga is a tool for rewiring our nervous systems, without getting too science-y, it helps to regulate our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. It can help us switch our nervous system from a space of fight or flight, stress and adrenaline to a space of stillness, calm and rest.

Restorative Yoga can reduce cortisol and adrenaline production. Helping us to find balance in our nervous system. Prolonged practice of Restorative brings us more in tune with our nervous system, allowing us to be more present and able to impact our automated responses that arise from a stressful situation. It can also aid us release stress that the body may have held on to, helping shift both mental and physical symptoms of anxiety.

There are so many benefits of Restorative Yoga; this practice can be helpful before bed to aid sleep, for chronic pain and for periods of low energy. It can be useful for high stress and anxiety, however, it is worth keeping in mind that the stillness & introspection of this practice can cause agitation to arise, but our knowledgeable yoga teachers are here to guide you through and navigate the practice.

This prop heavy practice is an absolute treat for the mind and body. We utilise a variety of props, including blankets and bolsters, to fill the space between our bodies and the mat. The props support us in different positions, leaving the body feeling entirely supported and held. Each posture will be held for several minutes, allowing us to fully drop into it.

This practice is wonderful whether you’re attending in our potent studio space, or joining us online from your own home, all you’ll need are loads of cosy pillows, blankets and softness. It is perfect for those who could benefit from more stillness and relaxation in their day.

If Restorative Yoga sounds like something you’d like to delve into, head over to our ‘Offerings’ page to find a class; we can’t wait for you to join us!

By: Katie Gilroy

If you are a yoga teacher looking to learn more about Restorative Yoga, check out Steph Wall’s Restorative Yoga Teacher Training!


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