Max Barr

Your sunshine on the darkest day.

Yoga has been present in Maxie's life for over two decades. Over the years, she has veered away from her practice but ALWAYS returns to it. In an existence where both light AND darkness prevail came the realization that the practice of yoga could spark a real joy in her life but also allow her to delve into the darkness with authenticity and ease. The practice allows her to experience life vividly with vibrancy and meaning. Ever learning and humbled to share the glorious gifts of yoga with her community, expect to feel relaxed and comfortable in her classes and leave with a sense of both spaciousness and fullness.

  • Maxie teaches vinyasa and yin.

  • Monday @ 6pm - Yoga

    Thurs @ 615pm - Hot Vinyasa
    Thurs @ 730pm - Warm Yin & Restorative

    Friday @ 645am - Hot Morning Sweat

  • Find out more about Maxie.