Scott McDonald
Money back if you don’t laugh in his class.
Yoga came into my life at a point where my spiritual curiosity and desire to solve chronic back pain met. I tried one yoga class and I didn’t enjoy it very much. Fortunately, I kept seeing yoga mats everywhere I went. Maybe it was a sign from the universe? Or maybe it was a sign I lived round the corner from another yoga studio. Who knows? Regardless, I ended up trying different class and I’ve stuck with yoga ever since. My practice grew as my confidence did. As my confidence grew my practice began to vary. As my practice began to vary I ended up on a teacher training course. I had never really planned on becoming a yoga teacher. In fact I don’t feel that I ever have become a “teacher” I just like sharing what I know.
For newbies, when you come to my class at Kali I hope you get a little of what you are looking for. Whether you are looking to learn how to downdog, or to have a good stretch or want an hour to switch off I hope that I can cultivate the space and time necessary for you to do that.
Scott teaches vinyasa, gentle and yin.
Tuesday @ 615pm - Hot Gentle
Tuesday @ 730pm - Warm Yin & Restorative
Sunday @ 10am - Gentle
Sunday @ 1130am - Aerial - Play -
Find out more about Scott.