Death Cafe
Death Cafe *
A space to discuss Death.
Death Cafe is an opportunity to gather in community and discuss death in a curious, spacious way. Death Cafe is not a therapy session or bereavement support, rather, it's a space to discuss the complexities of life and death. These gatherings have no agenda and cannot offer answers regarding grief or loss.
Our death cafes are hosted by Jenny Watt who has been working in the field of death, dying and bereavement for over 4 years. During this time she has seen the power of flipping the narrative around these topics to promote good conversations which enable people to advocate for themselves and live life to the fullest.
Jenny may offer topics of discussion however, the conversation will be organic and unfolding. Tea and snacks will be offered.
This is a free offering but please book before to let us know to expect you.
We host 2 Death Cafes a month, one in person and one online. We would love for you to join us.
In Person Sessions - the last Thursday of every month at 7:15pm - 8:30pm
Online Sessions - the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Upcoming Cafes for 2025 - (click on individual session to book):
Thursdays - In Person
Tuesdays - Online